Thursday, November 7, 2013

National Men Make Dinner Day!

Today is National Men Make Dinner Day! As I have just found out it is celebrated on the first Thursday of November every year. It is aimed at the men who never cook--this includes Bruce! he is more of a survival cook.

The day has its own website Menmakedinnerday which features reasons for participation, rules & what foods should NOT to part of the dinner.  It even has some simple recipes to get you started.

Rules include a no interference policy for the women of the household, family dog is not allowed to be secretly fed man's cooking--we don't have a dog! maybe that's a good thing!! and no barbecuing--actually DD#1 does ALL the barbecuing in our house.

Love the last sentence of Rule #12.
Rule #12: After meal, table is cleared by man, dishwasher is loaded. Man returns to table for stimulating after-dinner conversation. At this point, man is told how much his meal was appreciated. He, in turn, describes the joys and challenges of the experience. He is given a hug, and his TV remote is returned to him.

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