The Year-Round Vegetable Gardener by Niki Jabbour, published by Storey is simply the best overall book on vegetable growing I have read. Combine this book with Canadian Vegetable Gardening, The Vegetable Gardeners Bible & What's Wrong with My Vegetable Garden & your library on vegetable gardening is complete. This book focuses on producing fresh nutritious food year round. It does so in a northern climate of Halifax, Nova Scotia as such it is a comparable climate to us in southern Ontario and upstate New York. Niki keeps it simple, productive and even recommends her favourite varieties to help you be successful. eg. for cucumbers, 'Niki's Picks' are Lemon, Diva, & Marketmore 76, Sultan & Suyo Long. Niki starts right from bed preparation to polytunnels, coldframes and raised beds.
If you can't grow potatoes she has a way for you to do so successfully. Oh and don't forget she does herbs too! The section on succession planting will help you tremendously to increase your vegetable gardens productivity all year round.
I recommended this book to my cousin who's just now starting to garden at her 10 year old home! She LOVES to grow herbs, will there be a volume 2?
ReplyDelete-Oscar Valencia
Tree Removal Queens